Crocodile Puppet


Here's a fearsome crocodile puppet for the kids to make and play with. It looks great but is simple and quick to make.

Crocodile puppet craft

You will need:

Green card
Green paper
2 lolly (popsicle) sticks
White paper
Black pen
Sticky tape
Crocodile puppet template if required (see below)


Either draw a crocodile head and tail on green card or print out our template, and cut out.

Cut out a rectangle of green paper about 10cm by 30cm. Lie the paper flat in front of you. Fold over a piece about 1cm wide. Turn the paper over and fold again, forming a concertina. Keep going until all paper is folded. Glue one end of the paper to the head and the other to the tail.

To make the teeth, cut a long triangle from white paper and glue to the face, drawing on a zigzag for the teeth. Cut two circles from white paper for the eyes and glue these to the head, drawing on the pupils.

Finally tape a lolly stick to the back of the head and one to the tail.

PDF iconCrocodile puppet template - Log in or Become a Member to download
Crocodile puppet template


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