Life Cycle of a Turkey


Children can learn about the life cycle of a turkey here with the help of our collection of interesting colouring pages, printables and worksheets. You could tackle these pages as part of a Birds topic, or even a Thanksgiving or Christmas project, although you might want to do it in such a way that the children don't think too much about eating the turkeys!

Life Cycle of a Turkey

The Life Cycle of a Turkey - And Some Turkey Facts

The female turkey (the hen) lays between 6 and 18 eggs at a time. She lays one egg per day and only starts incubating the eggs once she has finished laying the entire clutch of eggs. This ensures that the eggs will all hatch at the same time.

When the egg hatches, the baby that emerges is small but can start walking immediately. However, it will take two weeks before it can fly.  The baby turkey is called a poult.

As the baby turkey develops it will grow more and more feathers until, when it reaches adulthood, it will have around 3,500!

Turkeys are omnivores, which means they eat a combination of nuts, seeds, fruit, insects and even small creatures like worms and salamanders.

The male turkey is called a tom. Do you know, or can you find out, what other male animal is called a tom?

Although wild turkeys spend most of their time on the ground searching for food, they can fly. They usually fly up a tree in the evening so that they sleep off the ground.

Our Turkey Life Cycle Resources

Choose from the printable pages below to keep the kids engaged with this topic. Many come with variations to make them suitable for a wider age range, and in colour or black and white version.

Life Cycle Of A Turkey Booklet

Life Cycle Of A Turkey Booklet

This handy booklet is perfect if the kids are learning about the life cycle of a turkey, as there's plenty of room to store facts, write notes and lots more.  There are four versions to choose from and you'll need to use our booklet folding instructions found

Life Cycle Of A Turkey Cloze

Life Cycle Of A Turkey Cloze

Test the children's knowledge of the turkey lifecycle terms and vocabulary with this printable cloze worksheet. 

Life Cycle Of A Turkey Colouring Pages

Life Cycle Of A Turkey Colouring Pages

Ask the children to grab some coloured pencils or crayons and colour in these life cycle of a turkey colouring pages. They can learn a little about the life cycle of turkeys whilst colouring in the pictures!

Life Cycle Of A Turkey Flap Booklet

Life Cycle Of A Turkey Flap Booklet

Make your own life cycle of a turkey flap booklet by sticking the title on the left of the page into a book with glue, then cutting along the horizontal lines so you can lift each of the flaps and write underneath them. 

Life cycle of a turkey posters

Life Cycle Of A Turkey Posters

We've got four different versions of this A4 poster to print out and display, each showing the life cycle of a turkey. There's a poster to suit different activities, ages and abilities. 

Life Cycle Of A Turkey Sequencing Worksheet

Life Cycle Of A Turkey Sequencing Worksheet

Can the kids put these sequencing cards in the correct order to show the life cycle of a turkey? We've included the answers if they need a little help. Choose from our colour or black and white versions below. 

Life Cycle Of A Turkey Story Paper

Life Cycle Of A Turkey Story Paper

This turkey life cycle story paper comes in colour or black and white, and lined or with handwriting lines. The picture doesn't have any labels so the children can describe the life cycle process themselves. 

Turkey Word Cards

Turkey Word Cards

The children can practise their vocabulary with these printable turkey word cards, or use for labels as part of displays. 

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Life Cycle of a Jellyfish

More Turkey Fun

Turkey Colouring Pages
Turkey Colouring Pages

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