Extreme Weather


NEW! Learn about and explore the more extreme weather patterns of the world - extreme cold, drought, hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms - with these interesting activities and worksheets. Search by type of weather or scroll down to explore by type of activity.

Some scientists think our weather is getting more extreme as the effects of global warming have an impact on the world’s climate. In Britain, we talk a lot about the weather! But we’re lucky to escape the most extreme types, which cause great damage and destruction. In other parts of the world, tornadoes and hurricanes, for example, are commonplace and people have adapted their lifestyles to cope.

Droughts occur when an area has less precipitation (rain, snow, sleet or hail) than normal for a...
Extreme Cold
In winter months, snow and ice can look pretty and be great fun to play around in, but freezing...
Water is essential for our survival, and about 70 per cent of the Earth’s surface is covered...
These powerful tropical storms can be up to 1,000 miles (1,600 km) wide, and up to nine miles (14...
We’ve all heard the rumble of thunder and seen a lightning flash. But did you know that...
Tornadoes (or twisters) are powerful funnels of air that spin very fast as they move across the...
Extreme Weather Clozes
Clozes are an excellent way of checking your children's understanding of a topic. This...
Extreme Weather Diary Worksheets
These interesting worksheets ask children to imagine what would happen if they were to experience...
Extreme Weather Factsheets
These useful fact sheets summarise the information we provide on the various extreme weather...
Extreme Weather Newspaper Writing Prompts
These newspaper writing prompt worksheets make an interesting learning activity / creative writing...
Extreme Weather Posters
These photographic posters illustrate some of the most extreme weather on the planet - from...
Extreme Weather Safety Leaflets
These printables allow children to come up with a design for a professional looking 3-fold leaflet...
Extreme Weather Safety Posters
Here's a creative activity for the kids to try when learning about Extreme Weather conditions...
Extreme Weather Story Paper
We have story paper in both lined and handwriting versions, featuring stunning photos of some...
More Extreme Weather Activities
Here you will find just a few more activities for your Extreme Weather topic...

More Weather Resources

Measuring the Weather
Measuring the Weathera>

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